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News And Insights

Can I plead the Fifth in a company internal investigation?

You probably already understand that only a state, local, or federal prosecutor can bring criminal charges against you, and that your employer’s attorneys or outside law firm may have the power to discipline you in the form of suspension or termination, but they...

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Are there legal defenses to extortion/blackmail?

Extortion and blackmail crimes both involve threats made against another person to do violence to that person or their property – which can include publicizing facts about that person to damage his or her reputation – for the purpose of extracting money or other...

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Can I go to jail for using Bitcoin?

Bitcoin and similar “cryptocurrencies” have been around for years, but Bitcoin is getting a lot more attention than usual in 2017, primarily based on the fact that such currencies have risen in value six times over since the start of the year, and $6.6 billion in...

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What to do if you are facing a money laundering investigation

According to experts, around $5 trillion is money laundered around the world each year, and law enforcement authorities recover only a small fraction of that money. But, in spite of this gap – and quite possibly because of it – U.S. law enforcement authorities take an...

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FAQ: Tax fraud penalties

Can I be charged with a crime if my taxes are done incorrectly? Yes. Not only can the IRS can hand down civil penalties for improperly doing your taxes, federal prosecutors can charge you with a tax-related crime if you fail to file a tax return, provide false or...

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Do I need my own lawyer in an SEC investigation?

If your employer is being investigated by the SEC, then you likely have some questions about the SEC investigation process but may not feel comfortable asking them of your supervisor or co-workers. This is understandable, as an SEC investigation can mean significant...

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The White House issues forensics report

Yesterday the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (“PCAST”) released a final Report finding that many of the forensic science techniques used to prosecute criminal cases do not meet scientific standards. Specifically, the Report raised issues...

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U.S. v Stewart: Newman’s first chink in the armor

Last week, ex-Perella Weinberg Partners LP banker, Sean Stewart, was convicted in the Southern District of New York with violations of the insider trading laws. The conviction comes in the wake of Newman, a case that seriously damaged the ability of the government to...

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