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About Us

Our lawyers have the skill and experience needed to anticipate problems and respond to client needs.

We work on your schedule, not ours. Our attorneys can discuss your most crucial legal issues, day or night. If you are facing a crisis or need immediate counsel, we are available to help you.

We deliver value. Using innovative litigation processes, we deliver timely results in an efficient manner.
We have unique resources. Breeding Carter maintains relationships with subject-matter authorities throughout the world. No matter where your business goes or what issues you face, we can provide access to problem-solvers and thought leaders in any area.

At Breeding Carter, our lawyers remove barriers and obstacles that could hinder your progress. Our ultimate concern is to help you achieve your goals.

Practice Area


How assets should be split in a gray divorce

When getting divorced after the age of 50, extra caution is needed during a property division settlement When getting divorced, couples can be forced to figure out how to split their marital estate. Assets can be moderate or extensive, as in a high-asset divorce....

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4 common types of internet fraud crimes

On Behalf of Breeding Olinzock Carter | May 24, 2022 | Criminal Law The internet is a vast gateway to information, but crimes involving internet fraud are on the rise. Online scams are not always the result of large schemes. Even smaller operations, or individuals,...

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Why mediation is a popular option in a high-asset divorce

If you and your spouse are facing divorce, the thought of having to go through a long and possibly bitter courtroom battle is a less than appealing prospect. As a couple with young children and significant assets, you may consider mediation as a divorce option that...

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