A Law Firm That Protects Your Constitutional Rights
The number of gun convictions in Tennessee is consistently among the highest in the nation. Tennessee authorities take weapons offenses seriously, and continue to relentlessly enforce gun laws. While Tennessee specifically protects residents’ right to bear arms in its constitution, many weapons offenses still carry significant penalties.
Charged With A Gun Crime?
Gun laws in the state are complex. The first step in defending against weapons charges is to get a thorough analysis of your situation by an experienced criminal defense attorney who can inform you of your rights and the potential consequences you are facing. Even if you have done nothing wrong and no one was hurt, saying the wrong thing can harm your case.
You can speak to an experienced criminal defense lawyer at Breeding Carter by calling our Knoxville, Tennessee, office at 865-670-8535 or reaching us online.
Typical Weapons Offenses
Numerous state and federal laws govern the possession and use of firearms and other weapons. In some cases, gun owners may not even be aware their firearm does not comply with state and federal laws. Typical weapons offenses that we defend against include:
- Brandishing a firearm
- Possessing a firearm while under the influence
- Possessing a weapon with intent to commit a dangerous felony
- Reckless discharge
- Illegal sale or purchase of a firearm
You may openly carry a firearm in Tennessee, provided you are not prohibited from owning a gun because of a prior conviction, you are under a court order or you are otherwise prohibited under law. However, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, or possessing a firearm despite a previous felony conviction, are both crimes.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
If you are facing a gun crime in Tennessee, contact the experienced lawyers at Breeding Carter. Our attorneys have been protecting the constitutional rights of residents for decades.
Call 865-670-8535 or briefly tell us about your legal issue and contact information here.