State and federal law enforcement is taking a harder line in investigating and prosecuting alleged health care fraud than at any other time in our nation’s history. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and other law enforcement agencies are under enormous political pressure to pursue any individuals or entities connected with Medicare and Medicaid fraud as well as other forms of fraud, and they have devoted more resources than ever before in targeting, prosecuting and convicting those parties, regardless of whether they were the primary perpetrators of fraud. Which makes retaining aggressive, experienced criminal defense who can zealously represent your interests critical. The sophisticated defense team at Breeding Carter provides the comprehensive legal defense individuals and organizations need on their side when under investigation or being charged with health care fraud.
Common Targets Of Health Care Fraud Investigations
All too often, the targets of health care fraud criminal investigations are individuals and entities that have conducted themselves in line with common industry practices, or who have unknowingly assisted others engaged in illegitimate practices, but nevertheless can face criminal charges that can result in steep fines, ruined careers and professional reputations, and even lengthy state and federal prison sentences.
These individuals and entities facing aggressive criminal investigations by state and federal law enforcement and prosecutors can include:
- Doctors
- Other health care professionals
- Health care executives and employees
- Insurance executives and employees
- Suppliers of medical supplies and drugs
- Consumers of health care
- Financial institutions, executives and employees
Law Enforcement Is Under Pressure To Make Examples In Prosecutions
Health care fraud is at the top of the list of priorities for state and federal prosecutors, as nearly $100 billion in taxpayer dollars is lost to fraud in Medicare and Medicaid billing alone every year. What this means is that prosecutors will spend months and even years investigating health care fraud, and will be under intense pressure to obtain convictions of anyone connected to the fraud, no matter how remote the connection.
When you work with the attorneys of Breeding Carter, we will aggressively stand up for your rights to defend your interests and reach your best possible outcome in all investigations and prosecutions relating to, among others:
- Medicare fraud
- Medicaid fraud
- Overbilling and upcoding
- FCPA violations
- False Claims Act (FCA)
- Kickbacks
Do Not Assume Your Employer’s Attorney Is Your Attorney
Health care fraud investigations generally focus on individuals working in large institutions – such as hospitals, nursing homes, insurance companies, medical supply and drug companies, financial institutions, etc. – and a common mistake employees and executives in those institutions make is assuming that attorneys representing the institution or conducting internal investigations on behalf of the board of the directors are there to defend their interests personally.
While the institution and/or its board of directors does have an interest in protecting itself, and those interests can be aligned with yours, they or their attorneys are not there to defend your interests in a criminal investigation. Furthermore, they may decide they need to act in ways in contrary to your interest, including providing the government with evidence that implicates you.
Thus, it is important for any individual potentially implicated in a health care fraud prosecution to obtain his or her own attorney to aggressively defend his or her personal interests.
Contact A Health Care Fraud Attorney Today
Breeding Carter provides criminal defense to individuals and businesses in all state and federal investigations and prosecutions. To take immediate action to protect your interests in a health care fraud investigation or proceeding, do not hesitate to contact us today to schedule a confidential consultation regarding your matter.
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If you have questions, contact us at 865-670-8535 or fill out our online contact form. We respond promptly to inquiries.