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Child custody and child support standards

Child custody and child support laws in each state are nuanced and unique, but generally speaking, the child support and child custody laws of every state share certain things in common. Among these commonalities is the goal of protecting children caught in the middle...

Military Marriages Face Unique Difficulties

All of these struggles can take a toll on military marriages. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of divorce for civilians was 3.4 percent in 2010. The Department of Defense reports that from 2001 to 2010, the divorce rate for active...

Fly America Act

“Fly America Act – Title 49 U.S.C. §40118 – generally requires that federal agencies ensure that government-financed air transportation is provided by a U.S. air carrier if such a carrier is available” See, B-258059, 1994 U.S. Comp. Gen. LEXIS 913, citing, Letter to...

Foreign companies doing business in the U.S.: What to consider

Foreign companies looking to do business in the United States generally find the U.S. legal system too complex and confusing, and often delay or, worse, abandon their plans prematurely. Although the U.S. legal system differs significantly from other jurisdictions –...

Incorporating In Delaware: The Myth

Irrespective of the location of incorporation, it is common wisdom that individuals should always consider conducting business under a separate entity; But where? Choosing the right location for incorporating your business may get tricky and you may find yourself...